June 2017

The Ten Commandments – Three

In this third part of the Ten Commandments series Pastor Pete unwraps the meaning and warning of the third commandment: (Exodus 20:7) taking the name of the Lord in vain. Scholars have debated for millennia on the meaning of this commandment. The practical ramifications of following and breaking this law of God are astounding. This commandment doesn't just limit itself to swear words where God's name is used as an oath of derision. An Old Testament example is given of two priests: Nadab and Abihu and the strange fire they offered to the Lord in Leviticus 9:22-10:11. Bring it home as you listen for LIFE!

May 2017

“The Ten Commandments – Two

What does God want with me? What does God want from me? These are questions we rarely ask but should, for in these two questions reside the entire reason and purpose for our eternal existence. If we miss this we could potentially miss it all. The Ten Commandments reveal the heart of God. Last time we looked at the first commandment and how it was God's heart protecting the truth of Who and What He is. We must protect what we believe about God for in theology we find out who we are and what God expects and will ultimately inspect / judge. The second commandment is God's protection of true worship. God is looking for true worshipers. This detour from the study of the book of Romans is a necessary tour into the very heart and throne room of God Himself. Bring it Home as you Listen for LIFE!

Whatever Happened to Sin? Part Two

Last week Pastor Pete introduced the giving of the law from Exodus Chapter 19:1-20:2. The way the law of God was given is just as important as the law itself. We need a proper fear of God again within our churches and within our own personal lives. In this week's message we will hear the moral law itself and answer three relevant questions for each of the ten commandments: 1.) What is the meaning of this law? 2.) What happens if we break this law? 3.) What are the blessings if we walk in the Spirit seeking to keep this law? Bring it Home as you Listen for LIFE! This service is dedicated to the memory of Josh Seibert, fine Christian man, fearless preacher of the gospel and defender of the faith.

April 2017

“Whatever Happened to Sin?”

The Moral Law of God (The Ten Commandments) was never intended to be ten suggestions. God is holy, just and good just as His Word and just as His law is holy, just and good. The laws of God illustrate the character and holiness of God. To break the law is to offend the very Person of God Himself. So then, how do we approach a holy, perfect and Sovereign God? This message, from Pastor Pete is taken primarily from Romans 7:13 and Exodus 19: Within these two chapters we gain insight into the giving and receiving of the law to Moses and to the children of Israel. Their initial response and attitude in receiving the law of God should be a great example to us of what God expects of us and from us today. "Whatever Happened to Sin?" Part One. Bring it Home as you Listen for LIFE!