December 2017
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
On this Christmas Sunday Pastor Pete reopens his advent series, The Carols of Christmas: “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” – (The Christmas Story from Chains to Glory). In this message we will look to the origins of this Christmas favorite of over a thousand years old. It was originally used as an antiphonal musical response within the monasteries of Europe and was then lost for hundreds of years. This Carol is an amazing prayer for God who is with us to come for us, to come to us so His presence can be manifest in us and through us. One day we shall enter in to His glorious Kingdom where God has gone before us to prepare a place for us. These six stanzas give reference to the priceless Gift of Christ Himself – The indescribable Gift. To open yourself to the gift of Christ is to experience the greatest gift of all. Bring it Home as you Listen for LIFE!
December 2016
For God so Loved the World – John 3:16
Sam Rotman is our special guest this week. He is an accomplished Concert Pianist having played thousands of concerts all over the world. He is a graduate of Julliard School of Music in NYC, NY. For this Christmas Concert Sam plays Rachmaninoff and Beethoven. Sam shared his testimony of coming to Christ from being a religious Jew to finding his Messiah in Y'shua (Jesus Christ). Mr. Rotman also shares an amazing message from one of the Bible's most famous verses: John 3:16. We know you will enjoy this Spirit-filled time in the Word of God and in Classical Music for the glory of Almighty God. Listen for LIFE!
December 2015
“Without Wax?”
The word "Sincere" in the Latin means, "Without Wax." Hear the story of the broken gift of pottery this Christmas. What we offer to God is broken, imperfect and flawed. What must we do to offer God the perfect and sinless Gift He requires? Listen for LIFE!