February 2020

The Gospel Equips For The Work Of Ministry

  Views: 136

December 2019

“At Just the Right Time”

In this amazing message Elder Erick Hurt teaches from the Old Testament example of Elijah and the widow in (I Kings 17:1-16) and how this story illustrates, in practical application, the Gospel of Jesus Christ for all of us who have lived in famine and destitution before Christ came into our lives, ‘At Just the […]

July 2019

Look and Live! Numbers 21:4-9

His dying breath has brought us life. Look to the lifted Christ. Look and live! Look and be healed! Look and be healed and set free from every sin, our thirst quenched and battles begin to be won Views: 176

Escaping Our Enemies Exodus 14

Friend, while Jesus was on the cross with His arms stretched out and nailed there, He was holding back the Red Sea of sin sheding His blood that you might go through on dry ground free from the enemy, free from sins slavery. Views: 204

Seperating Light From Darkness Genesis 1:1-5

Our lives were just like the earth, in fact, we could say, “In the beginning” our lives were without form and in an uninhabitable state, void and buried in the darkness of the deep. But when God said, “Let there be light” everything changed and the uninhabitable became habitable, took on form, was no longer void […]

March 2019

The Only Message

Are we seeing miracles among us? Are we seeing lives removed from darkness and being brought into the light of Jesus Christ with power? Where are the miracles among us? Are we relying on good works, our own efforts, recovery groups, 12 steps, or relying on another gospel that has no power to change the […]

February 2019

An Invitation to the Thirsty – Isaiah 55

Are you longing for your thirst to finally be quenched? Are you tired of spending your time and money on what does not satisfy?? Listen and learn how you can find your thirst quenched and your life filled with joy. Find lasting freedom from that which has dried our mouths and kept us laboring for […]

August 2018

“Cut to the Heart”

Acts Chapter 2 Views: 444

July 2018

Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing

John 15:1-5 Views: 190

April 2018

Jesus’ Death Defeats Satan

Hebrews 2:14-15 Views: 199