February 2015

You Must See God

saiah really starts his ministry in chapter 6 of his book. He sees the death of what most scholars consider the last good king of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Then has this great vision of God on His throne in the Temple. Sees his own self as God sees him and exclaims "woe is me. I am undone. Convicted, confessed, converted all in one short sentence. Then this newly consecrated man hears the call of God and answers it...

November 2014

Sunday, The Lord’s Day

This Sunday, we will be exploring the origin of Sunday as the traditional day of Christian worship; it is part 2 of the message that was presented on July 13, 2014 entitled “Unveiling the Sabbath” at https://www.familybiblechurchkingman.org/sermons/unveiling-the-sabbath/ . Sunday, also called the Lord’s Day, is a day of remembering Jesus Christ as our Savior. Sunday is not to be confused with Saturday, the traditional, biblical Sabbath (which is the day appointed in the Mosaic Covenant to remember God as Creator). Contrary to what many claim, the Sabbath was never switched from Saturday to Sunday. This message will refute this claim and pose that, according to passages contained in Matthew 28, Luke 23 and 24, that Sunday was appointed by God to worship and praise Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The Necessity of Member Care in our Church

Hits: 103

George Whitefield, the 18th Century Evangelist

Hits: 142

October 2014

Are You Saved?

There is a possibility of being deceived about our salvation. Jesus said, "I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23) to those who did things "in your name" (Matthew 7:22). Paul said that we should "examine ourselves" to see if we are "in the faith," and that we could "fail the test." Failing this test would indicate that Jesus is not in you. (2 Corinthians 13:5). It truly is a matter of life and death. Eternity with Him, or eternity without Him.

September 2014

Trials, Tribulations and Persecution

Hits: 142

Blessed Assurance

What is eternal life? How do we get eternal life? Can we lose eternal life? God's Word has all the answers. Do you have eternal life? Believe and receive.

August 2014

Sharing Ministry From Thailand

Who we are. What we do. Who we serve. What are we doing next. Hits: 83

July 2014

Unveiling the Sabbath

God designed that the seventh day (the Sabbath, which begins nightfall on Friday and lasts until nightfall on Saturday) would be a special memorial to His creation and its original perfection. The Sabbath was to remind the people of Israel that they had forfeited paradise. There is no question that nine of the Ten Commandments are permanent and binding. Jesus is perfect and holy yet, according to the Jews, He violated the fourth commandment (to remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy {six days you shall labor and do all of your work…on the seventh day you will do no work; Exodus 20:8}. Also see Mark 2:23) of the Sabbath multiple times by healing, gathering food and other activities. As God’s church, how are we to understand the place that the Sabbath plays, if any, in the life of God’s people? This Sunday, we will discuss that Sunday, also called the Lord’s Day, has not replaced the Sabbath and that Jesus’ sacrifice put an end to the priesthood, the need for a sacrificial system and the Sabbath.

Our Freedom In Christ

We just celebrated the freedom this country won from the tyranny of the King of England so let's look at our freedom from the tyranny that the king of this world, Satan, tries to hold over us.